Sunday, October 14, 2007

How about a little more for Darfur

It is kinda starting to piss me off that the presidential hopefuls are not even talking about Darfur.

Can you image if some ran for the Oval Office in the 1930’s and 1940’s without mentioning the Holocaust.

Both side try to distance themselves from the current President by saying Iraq was a bad idea. You wanna change the subject on Iraq send it to Darfur. Maybe it is because the Holocaust involved Jews and we had them in our country, but a genocide is a genocide.

I’m not saying it should be the biggest issue or the topic of a debate, but throw it a bone. If we are going to be the world’s policemen we should stop going after the shoplifters and go catch the murders.

1 comment:

Skitz M. Jones said...

You almost have to expect that with our current crop of politicians. They can't even decide if genocides that occured well into the past really should be called genocides if it might incur the wrath of our "allies".
To think that one of big arguements with Iran is whether or not the holocaust happened- when we can't even figure out how we feel about the issues that are happening right here and now.
It's a sad state of things when policies and alliances play more of a roll than human decency and morality in dealing with the travesties being carried out across the globe.
