Thursday, September 27, 2007

When Iran comes to the Big Apple

The week has been full of clutter.

President of Iran spoke at Columbia University. His speech rode about an hour and a half in length, and went into depth on a variety of issues.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad then went to the United Nations to announce that he would not agree to UN Sanctions on nuclear testing. Iran then released a peace activist, who had been held hostage for 4 years.

Just the fact that the President of Iran was on U.S. soil is a tremendous step toward peace in the Middle East. If Iran can go from being our wack job neighbor to our brothers in arms that would change the whole outlook on America’s role in the Middle East.

Ahmadinejad can go from a snob to winning a Noble Prize Peace. I know that he declined the sanctions from the UN, but hey lets not ask to much of this guy. He is doing the best he can.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Too Little, Too Late

Article By Joe Carretta

Column by Christopher Haliskoe

Now, the school speaks.
In a response, perhaps on behalf of the University, Judith Dobai, the schools VP for Enrollment has spoken in online post and a letter to the editor.
While I respect Dobai’s response to the fullest, and appreciate her clearing of the subject matter, I am forced to ask some further questions.
If the acceptance of the discounted software had no wrong doing and was a legitimate attempt to save money, why was the software returned? You don’t return something unless there is a problem.
Why was there not a press release on this? The University has a press room for a reason. They have had about four weeks now to tell their side of the investigation conducted by the AG.
In closing this blog I want to state in a clear manner, that I am only asking questions and in no way saying the school is wrong. For all we know the AG could have done this process for political reason or the College Board could be just as “unethical.” I also wanted to take this time to state my happiness for the school’s signing of the new code.
Many schools have been caught in this loan scandal, so I don’t think it’s even Fairfield fault as much as it is the College Board. Fairfield should say everything they can and not be afraid of the College Board. If we do, we might be able to catch the culprit who has been ruining a system meant to help families with one of the most valued purchases in their life…a college education.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Bush's Call to the Bullpen

Michael B. Muskasey.
Yea I can live with that. I mean I was a huge Alberto Gonzales fan, and still feel that he was in the wrong place (White House) at the wrong time (Bush Administration).
But that is neither here nor there. Muskasey brings a strong security presence to the justice department, but will he get confirmed.
Some Senate Dem’s are not smiling.
Senator Patrick Leahy wants “the material needed to question the former AG on wiretapping and torturing” according to an NYT article.
Even Senator Chuck Schumer is carrying his beef with the Bush administration into a questioning process of a fellow New York. That said Schumer and Mukasey are boys and that will go a long way in the end, since Chucky may be more powerful then George (his friends definitely are).
If confirmed Muskasey will control the justice department for less then a year and a half. I could control the justice department for a year and a half if given directions and not those Bobby Kennedy directions either.

Monday, September 17, 2007

OJ with lots of Pulp

It’s not that OJ can’t stay out of trouble; it’s that trouble seems to find OJ.
But then again he was charged with robbery, assault, burglary and conspiracy. Did Simpson play for Bengals and not tell anyone?
Ironically, I saw that his book was coming out at the time he was arrested. The book was titled “If I Did It,” (say that and keep a straight face) and will probably attract a different audience then Alan Greenspan’s autobiography.
Oj, is a Heisman Trophy winner. When the award is presented they say that the recipient will be recognized as that for the rest of his life. Did someone say Ricky Williams?

Saturday, September 15, 2007

20,000 Heroes

President Bush announced Thursday night that he would begin the process of withdrawing troops. Bush also claimed that troops would switch from leading ops to supporting Iraqi operations. Defense Secretary Gates stated that cutting the troops to 100,000 is also a possibility.
Bush has pushed himself so far off the pyramid of political excellence that he was and further more will be met with political opposition.
Democrats are starting to argue that this is not enough and not nearly a fast enough rate. Jack Reed, Senator from Rhode Island, stated that Bush’s plan “failed to provide either a plan to successfully end the war in Iraq or a convincing rationale to continue it.”

But Senate Democrats failed to look at the bigger picture. This is a win for the country no matter how you slice it. Troops are coming home, Iraq is learning how to walk and a president has begun to compromise.
Some may argue President Bush has compromised too much. Like this blogger from the conservative website

The Democrats think Bush is not doing enough and the Repbulicans are thinking he is doing too much. The administration set out to
send troops in
give Iraq troops the resource to succeed
get troops out alive

The president should not get scolded for sticking to the game plan.
Give the guy a break, he has a country to run.