Thursday, September 27, 2007

When Iran comes to the Big Apple

The week has been full of clutter.

President of Iran spoke at Columbia University. His speech rode about an hour and a half in length, and went into depth on a variety of issues.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad then went to the United Nations to announce that he would not agree to UN Sanctions on nuclear testing. Iran then released a peace activist, who had been held hostage for 4 years.

Just the fact that the President of Iran was on U.S. soil is a tremendous step toward peace in the Middle East. If Iran can go from being our wack job neighbor to our brothers in arms that would change the whole outlook on America’s role in the Middle East.

Ahmadinejad can go from a snob to winning a Noble Prize Peace. I know that he declined the sanctions from the UN, but hey lets not ask to much of this guy. He is doing the best he can.

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