Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Bush's Call to the Bullpen


Michael B. Muskasey.
Yea I can live with that. I mean I was a huge Alberto Gonzales fan, and still feel that he was in the wrong place (White House) at the wrong time (Bush Administration).
But that is neither here nor there. Muskasey brings a strong security presence to the justice department, but will he get confirmed.
Some Senate Dem’s are not smiling.
Senator Patrick Leahy wants “the material needed to question the former AG on wiretapping and torturing” according to an NYT article.
Even Senator Chuck Schumer is carrying his beef with the Bush administration into a questioning process of a fellow New York. That said Schumer and Mukasey are boys and that will go a long way in the end, since Chucky may be more powerful then George (his friends definitely are).
If confirmed Muskasey will control the justice department for less then a year and a half. I could control the justice department for a year and a half if given directions and not those Bobby Kennedy directions either.

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