Friday, April 20, 2007

420, Holiday of the Young

Its 9:15 on a Friday night, and I’m tanked.

My roommate is blasting the OAR, I hope we get written up.

But hey now its blog time, time to share my thoughts with you fine people cuz that’s what I am all about.

I wasn’t going to blog tonight; I was going to take the night off, but there is so much going on in the world that I felt obligated to comment.

VT is sad, I’m sorry, Imus is posting his resume on Monster, and there is flooding throughout the north east as if that was to make up for the lamest winter on record.

I feel bad about the VT thing, and as conservative as I am I stick by my first amendment right in saying Don Imus stays on the air.

But that’s neither is the subject of the blog.

This blog is respecting today’s holiday.

Now I personally don’t smoke, but I do know quite a few people that do.

The thing about smoking is it’s really not that bad.

It relaxes you.

It makes your senses sharper.

Barry Bonds uses Balco, but could just as well hit some cannabis.

So what’s the big deal with Mary Jane?

I’m sticking with my bottle of Jack and a 30 cause that’s going to get the job done. And weed is a gateway drug it only goes to places where things get worse.

The problem with weed is you can smell it from faraway; with booze, you’re in the clear unless your ping-pong ball hits the floor of your fourth floor Campion dorm.

By the way, Mariano just blew a save; Sox up 7-6.

The music has gone from OAR to Gwen Stefani, but that doesn’t matter cuz I am in college.

College is still the best four (maybe six) years of our lives.

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